Mega WordPress Themes Bundle

Mega WordPress Themes Bundle includes 15+ WordPress themes + 1 WordPress theme installing service. You’ll be download the theme bundle instantly after your puchases. $2500 worth WordPress theme bundle is now only  $29 with single domain license.

That means you can install each theme only one domain and plus you can use theme installation service for one theme. You can buy multiple domain license also.

The Bundle Includes These Themes + 1 WordPress theme installing service

  1. Agenture Ultimate Premium Multipurpose WordPress Theme
  2. Alive Multipurpose Responsive WordPress Theme
  3. Architecto Ultra Premium Responsive WordPress Theme
  4. Avien Ultra Responsive WordPress Theme
  5. Blogier – Blog & Magazine Multipurpose WordPress Theme
  6. Booking  Premium Multipurpose Booking WordPress Theme
  7. Clean Photography Multipurpose WordPress Theme
  8. Cosmos Ultra Responsive & Multipurpose WordPress Theme
  9. Creas Ultra Creative WordPress Theme
  10. Deluxe Ultra Responsive WordPress Theme
  11. Fashionate – Minimal Business, Portfolio, Photography WordPress Theme
  12. Fotographer Minimalist Photography Portfolio WordPress Theme
  13. FreshNews Clean Minimal Multipurpose WordPress Theme
  14. InfinityOne Creative & Responsive WordPress Theme
  15. LastPoint WordPress Theme
  16. LifeCycle Ultra Premium Multipurpose WordPress Theme
  • If you bought “1 Domain License” you can install each theme on 1 domain.
  • If you bought “5 Domain License” you can install each theme on 5 domains.
  • If you bought “10 Domain License” you can install each theme on 10 domains.
  • If you bought “Developer License” you can install each theme on unlimited domains.


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